Congratulations on starting your direct sales business! You will soon have a great new business box arriving at your doorstep, then it’s off to your launch party, bookings, hostesses, and parties. In the meantime, there are several things you can do to get you going on social media, and help prepare for your debut.
- Research whether your company offers social media training, and get started on self study.
- Setup your Facebook business fan page or group, and invite your friends and family to come like it.
- Create a secret board on Pinterest, and pin ideas that inspire you for your brand. This might include photos, graphics, business tips, or images you wish to recreate in your own branding.
- Start a new Instagram account and follow some people who are influential in your brand or who inspire you.
- Checkout other consultants’ social media pages, to get ideas and inspiration for what you can build for your presence.
- Think about your personal branding, and how you want to be known by your community.
- Review your friend connections on Facebook, and start engaging with some of your more “cool” contacts. Like or comment on some friends’ posts to get back on their radar. This will make it easier later one when you reach out to share your business.
- Be conscious of your own personal Facebook presence. Avoid negativity, vague-booking, or anything that could be construed negatively.
Doing business on social media is very much about attracting people to you because you are positive, optimistic, social, engaging, and fun. When there are hundreds or thousands of consultants to choose from online, why would someone choose you? We do business with people that we like, and we follow people on social media because they are interesting, entertaining, and inspiring. Whatever channels you choose to be on, you want your presence to convey that personality. Good luck, friend! Comment below and share your social links, and let’s connect! For more social media tips, contact me today!