You’ve chosen a company and ordered your Starter Kit. You’re excited and looking forward to starting strong with your new venture. Congratulations! Let’s take a look at a few reasonably priced ways to help kick start your new business. Although it’s true that you have to spend money to make money, there’s no need to break the bank.
Here are some economical ways to spread the word:
Order Business Cards. Some companies require that you use a specific vendor for your cards, while other companies are more lenient. See what requirements you must follow and then shop around for the best deal and the most eye-catching design. Consider using a high quality photo of yourself on your card. People will remember your face long after they’ve forgotten your name. Seeing it on the card will help customers jog their memory and may lead to more contacts. Once you have your cards in hand, start handing them out! Ask friends and family if they would consider taking a pack of 25 business cards to hand out to their co-workers and friends to help you spread the word. Leave your card on bulletin boards and with your tip at restaurants. Keep them on you at all times, and always be ready and willing to share your information.
Buy Branded Merchandise. Wear a shirt with your company logo and your nametag while you are out running errands. If you sell jewelry, simply wear your jewlry! In doing so, you become a walking billboard for your business and help to strengthen your personal brand.
Look for opportunities to reach new people. Think about your target market and then think about where you would be able to meet most of those people. Is your target market a mom? Call the school and ask if you could speak to the president of the PTO about a fundraiser. Fundraisers are a great way to get your name out in the community in the early days of your business. Offer a percentage of your profits back to the school or other organization for allowing you to be a part of their event. You could also offer to donate a portion of the profits back to the organization off of any parties booked the day of the fundraiser. Think of all the potential customers you could be exposed to that you wouldn’t otherwise meet!
Establish yourself on social media. In this day of technology, social media is a great way to get your name out there and reach people you never would have meet otherwise. Be purposeful and genuine. Remember to let your personality shine. They need to like you to trust you, and they need to trust you to buy from you. Start with a platform (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Periscope) you know well and once you feel comfortable maintaining that account, add another platform. It’s better to do a few sites well than to do all of them poorly. Set goals, manage your time, and put yourself out there. If used correctly, the Internet can be your biggest asset.
Most importantly, never give up. It may be slow going at first, but it takes time to build up momentum. No train comes out of the station at top speed. Likewise, your business will need time to grow and gain momentum. Keep working at it every day and sooner than later that little engine will be chugging along at a steady clip and you’ll be on your way to success!
Interested in more ideas about kickstarting your own Direct Sales business? Contact me today.