You’ve ordered your Starter Kit! You’re excited about the future and the opportunities your new business will hold for you. Hopefully you’re sharing this excitement with those who are closest to you when appropriate. Now it’s time to channel that energy, host your launch party, and share that enthusiasm on a broader scale. Although I don’t advise you to rely heavily on those inner circles of friends and family long term, the people you are closest to will be instrumental in helping you get the word (and excitement!) out about your new venture.
Plan on booking your launch party within two weeks of the date you receive your Starter Kit. Your enthusiasm is high, and there is no time like the present! Your attitude and approach to business will directly affect those around you. Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Truer words were never spoken! Positive thoughts will yield a positive outcome, and will draw more people to you. At the end of the day, network marketing and direct sales is a numbers game. The more people you talk to… or more importantly, the more people who want to talk to YOU… the stronger your business will be. Set yourself up for success with a positive can-do attitude and you’ll go far!
Be intentional with your launch party. Select a specific date and time as opposed to an “open house” type format. An open house holds no sense of urgency and can easily be forgotten while a specific start time remains in our memory and typically will yield a higher turn out. Make your invitations personal, and consider the idea that different people do better with different types of delivery. One friend may always be on Facebook and do best with a quick and personal Facebook message. Another may need that hard copy postcard invite to stick on her fridge if she has any hope of remembering. A third friend may prefer a text or phone call. These are your people – you know them best. Tailor your invites to each person and don’t be afraid to shake things up a bit when needed.
Pro Tip: Avoid creating a Facebook event and blindly inviting every person in your friend list! This does not speak to the sort of relationship building you need to anchor and grow your business. It is impersonal and easily forgotten.
Be confident in your display. You may not have as many pieces as your sponsor, but that’s ok! Don’t compare where you are on day one to where she is on day 1000. She started out the same way you did. Your company has given you every tool needed for success in your Starter Kit. Make the most of what you have and create an uncluttered display with clean lines and a focus on the product. Your guests won’t find it lacking unless you give the impression that you believe there should be more.
Encourage your guests to bring friends, and consider giving a small gift to those who do. You may want to also have small gifts available for anyone who books a party.
Finally, set up a small check out area away from the action. A place you can take you guests after your presentation is over when they are ready to check out. Have packets available for people who are interested in the business opportunity and another for those who are interested in hosting a party. Have some business cards on hand, a calculator, your calendar or planner, order forms and a pen.
Take a deep breath, smile, and shine like the diamond you are! You’ve got this!